Writers sometimes sound lofty themes of Purpose and Art in talking about the writing and publishing process. And then there’s Nathan Bransford. A former literary agent turned author (Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow and other erudite titles), Bransford uses a series of animated GIFs to tell it like it is.
Even if you usually avoid flickering, flashing, animated anything online, The Publishing Process in GIF Form is funny. And it’s probably a lot more true than the lofty, artsy version. Enjoy!
P.S. The take-away from his overview seems to be that patience is the quality most needed to survive the life of an author. Which, if you think about it, is probably one reason our instant-gratification culture is increasingly turning to alternative publishing. That, and a desire (for better or for worse) for increased creative control of intellectual property.
With regard to”alternative publishing”: the arrogance of conventional publishers might have something to it. The kind of “patience” many writers are forced to endure is demeaning; it erodes the creative edge. Patience, as I see it, is part of the discipline you exercise in the process of making the work read true. It may include reflection–in the face of a society that does not reflect–and holding back, so as to see the piece in perspective, as it grows cold, over time. It may include working respectfully with others. It does no include putting up with crap.
You’re right, Robert. The kind of patience an author needs is the same kind of patience that allows the pot roast to simmer all day, rather than the kind that lets it sit in the refrigerator until it goes bad.
I think traditional publishing will have to figure out a way to shorten the process or more more authors are going to be cutting out the middleman and doing it on their own. It’s gotten quite doable, and the profit margin can be significantly higher than the usual paltry royalties earned traditionally. There can be advantages to traditional publishing beyond the usual pecuniary interests, but that’s something each author must weigh in advance.