But I’m not sure what I want to use it for (other than to tantalize friends who don’t have it yet–I’m not above a bit of crowing!). I’ve watched the introductory video, and have a few ideas. However, I need to poke around a bit more, as I have a few questions that need to be answered before I decide on the best use of Google Wave.
If I start a Wave, is it visible to all my contacts, or only the ones I select? The inability to direct conversations to a particular group or subset of contacts is one of the weaknesses of Facebook’s news feed, in my opinion, so if Wave addresses this– as it appears to, it would be helpful.
Can people invited to a Wave invite anyone else, or does the person who initiates the Wave have some control over who can participate? I’m specifically thinking of the possibility of using Wave to host regular follow-up Q&A sessions for my Book Workshops. I like the live/interactive feature, but these sessions would need to be limited to people who have already gone through one of the live or online Workshops and are in the process of writing their book.
I’d like to hear from other people who have been using Google Wave: What is the best, most interesting use you’ve found for it so far?
Finally, if you haven’t gotten an invitation and really, really need or want it, write a post on your blog telling why you must have Google Wave. Leave a comment here with a link to your post, and I’ll pick up to five people and share my invitations (have to keep a couple for family and friends!).
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Not sure myself. I remember the video a little. It will change the way we communicate, but your specific questions I don’t know.
One thing that will not change is the need 4 humor:
Funny, I don’t remember being absent minded.#pun
Beautifully manicured lawns are highly sod after. #pun
I am looking for quotes from the living. Do you want to read what a dead person said? Get a word in edge-wise here:
I believe from what I see – that this is an amazing tool that can only get better with use from creative individuals – heck – it looks like this tool could turn someone that has never thought they were creative into into a total “think” machine and those that know they are creative into a world dominating force.
To be able to use all multimedia at once in a communication “wave” – I really like that description – seems like a brainstorming facilitator’s dream come true. I am imagining that these waves could become an art form in and of themselves.
Am I to understand that you could even interject a voice of a clip of music in the “mix”? I have to admit that I did NOT watch the entire video – I can tell – I just want the wave system on my computer tonight.
I believe I must have it immediately. yes – right now. I am thinking that if I had it I could record a video clip with an plead to you that would sincerely communicate my desire to have this new toy.
What if …. I was truly supposed to have this software in order to create some idea or process that would create an entirely new solution to a problem we do not yet know we have? What if …. you did not provide it to me…. and then you were responsible for the solution never manifesting? How would you feel then? Would you want to be guilty of such an incredible loss? I think not – because I think I would… I should be able to think so through the wave software.
I am a guy with ideas coming to me all the time – half baked – I see this software as a way to fully bake an idea – to test it – to fully tune it with other peoples experiences that would make the information valid and tested in the real world…. yes I must have it….
I could continue this line of reasoning or you could save me by providing a copy to me to take to the limit of the universe in stretching a thought or and idea to its completion.
Would a wave stretch and idea? How would this work like in quantum physics? Would the waves be in a predictable pattern if people were watching and a different pattern if they were not? Can we take the information from the wave and convert it to music? Can we make a pattern of the thoughts – can we make a thought have a particular sound associated with it and – every time a thought is produced in a wave a particular sound is produced…. would it sound like the the theme of 2001 space oddessy (sp) would the wave automatically correct my spelling because I need something / someone to do that.
Can I use the wave to correct my errors in productivity – by “tweeting” to the wave my activities and have others steer me into higher levels of productivity?
Can you see what I need this tool?
Dr. Rob-
I’m convinced! You definitely need the Wave. I’ll forward your invitation, and will expect to see your video up soon!