Why? Why do I go through cycles of forgetting the library? I stopped by today to donate old magazines to the give-away basket and came out with amazing riches. The reading pile by my chair is teetering dangerously, but here’s what’s at the top of the stack:
Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession by Ann Rice
Flip! How to Turn Everything You Know on its Head –and Succeed Beyond Your Wildest Imaginings by Peter Sheahan
Discovering the Enneagram: An Ancient Tool for a New Spiritual Journey by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert
Talent is Never Enough by John Maxwell
What Not To Wear by Trinny Woodall & Susannah Constantine (I do enjoy these prescriptive tomes, if only for the delight of reading orders, then doing exactly as I please!)
And from the discard shelf, I bought:
Listen! The Wind by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (slipcased, like new, 50 cents)
Diary of a Left-Handed Bird Watcher by Leonard Nathan
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (nice trade paperback to replace ratty one I already own, 25 cents)
The Young Visitors by Daisy Ashford (Preface by JM Barrie, copyright 1919, Ashford was purportedly 9 years old when she wrote this, and it started out quite amusingly)
The Republic of Tea: How an Idea Becomes a Business–Letters to a Young Zentrepreneur by Mel Ziegler, Bill Rosenzwieg, Patricia Ziegler
There are more, but I haven’t time to list them. I need to get outside and read a bit in the waning rays of the sun.
Imagine that, though…nourishment for mind, spirit, soul, and body– all for less than a boutique cup of coffee. Not that I’d refuse the coffee. But the library has FREE BOOKS! Why do I keep forgetting that? Go to the library, people. It’s where the smart stuff is!
So true. My problem is that when I walk in there, I’m tempted to come out without enough reading to prevent myself from ever getting a day’s work done for the rest of my life. (Good thing they have withdrawal limits.)